Traveling to Bucksport for the IMFF?
Here are some local recommendations.
Bucksport Motor Inn is 1/2 mile from the Alamo Theatre.
Fort Knox Park Inn is located in downtown Bucksport, close to the theatre. 207-469-3113
There are several Air B&B options in the Bucksport/Verona Island/Orland area.
Bangor has many hotel options and is about 30 minutes from the theatre.
Coffee, Wines & More
BookStacks (71 Main Street), 207-469-8992
Full Service Bookstore, Occasional cat pets available.
Coffee Open M-F 9-3, Sun. 9-2
MacLeod’s Restaurant (63 Main Street) 207-469-3963 serves lunch and dinner and has a full bar. A local classic. RESERVATIONS SUGGESTED. Open W-Sat 4-8 pm macleodsrestaurant.com
The Bucksport House of Pizza (132 Main Street) 207-469-7511 with sandwiches, pasta, salads, and more. They also serve beer and wine. New outdoor deck. Open 11:00 am – 8:30 pm
Warren’s Waterfront Restaurant (96 Main Street) 207-702-9190 serves breakfast and lunch and features burgers, seafood, sandwiches, and more. They have a full bar. There is a nice deck overlooking the Penobscot River. Open 7 am – 2 pm warrenswaterfrontrestaurant.com
Verona Wine & Bistro (Heyward House, 77 Main Street) 207-702-9357 Open Thurs & Fri. 4-9pm, Sat 11am-9pm, Sunday 11am-7 pm. Small plates, vegan, homemade desserts, locally-made cheeses and more. Diverse wine selection veronawinebistro.com
My Buddy’s Place (84 Main Street) 207-300-3671Open 11 am – 8 pm. (Call re: 9/27 to be sure they are open. Local, year-round food, specialty coffees, home made desserts, bar.
The Crumpet (Corner Main & Elm) 207-249-9418 Open Sun-Wed, 9am-2pm Delicious coffee, tea, baked goods, sandwiches and homemade soups. Sunday afternoons offer music frequently.
If you have a car and want to drive a bit beyond downtown Bucksport:
Glenn’s Place (214 US Route 1) 207-702-9412 Open 12-8 pm. A a full-service restaurant and bar serving lunch and dinner. Also serving Sunday brunch starting at 10AM.
Sweet Cheeks Bakery (70 US-1, Verona Island) 207-702-9363 A gourmet bakery and sweets shop featuring homemade traditional family recipes, including warm breakfast burritos and sandwiches for lunch. Open Tu-Sat 7AM to 3PM, Sun 8-3, or until they sell out. 24 hr kiosk if you need a fix. sweetcheeksbakes.com
Sandy's Saloon (47 Wardwell Rd @ Rt. 1, Orland) Cold drinks and great pub food.
Open M-Thu 4-9 pm, Fr. & Sat 2-10 pm, Sun. 12-8 pm.
Carrier’s Mainely Lobster (Rt. 46 at Rt. 1, Bucksport) Open 11 am – 7 pm daily. 207-469-1011 Casual seafood shack: fresh lobster & fried dishes & more. Seasonal – call before you go.
Crosby’s Drive-In (Rt. 46 just off Rt. 1, Bucksport) 207-702-9109 Open 11-7 Iconic spot. Worth the visit. Local favorite known for seafood, great burgers, chicken, salads, ice cream, and more. Seasonal – call before you go. Order online available.